#86 Femkanje / DOMA Art Foundation [11.8.2017]
FemkanjeThis July Bojana visited Escape community at the Hvar island in Croatia, where she met the founders of DOMA Art Foundation, Martina Stefanova and Doychin Kotlarov.
DOMA Art Foundation stands behind numerous art and cultural events and projects in Bulgaria and abroad, but it is also one of the partners of this years Escape community.
Beopolis RA 023 gost Dejan Ilić
BeopolisBeopolis RA 022 gost Mihajlo Trifunović
BeopolisBeopolis RA 021
BeopolisBeopolis RA 020
BeopolisBeopolis RA 019
Beopolis#85 Viennese Femkanje / Artists in Residence [27.4.2017]
FemkanjeBojana spent three months in Vienna at the Kulturkontakt artist residency, where she met and interviewed several very interesting authors, coming from different art fields and countries.
#84 Bečko Femkanje / Nika Šaravanja [24.4.2017]
FemkanjeNakon tromesečnog boravka na KulturKontakt umetničkoj rezidenciji u Beču, Bojana donosi priče sa zanimljivim autorkama i autorima koje je tamo sretala.
#83 Femkanje / Haunted by Algorithms i Shu Lea Cheang [3.3.2017]
FemkanjeNovo i prvo Femkanje ove godine, donosi vam još jedan radio esej i prvi deo razgovora snimljenih u Parizu.