Cover: Night on Earth (1991)
Inferno – Morenasso Crack
Radio DiablaDear listeners, we present you one of the most famous and greatest dancer, instructor and choreographer of kizomba and semba, Morenasso Crack.
MASCOM PODCAST: TREĆI SVETU trenutku kada je naš život privid, u času kada se sve „ruši i puši“, kada širom planete bukte protesti protiv svega i svačega, kada nam se čini da su nam osmesi šizofrenični, tela iscrpljena, mozgovi ruinirani, čovek ima neodoljivu potrebu da se pravi da je sve u redu.
Gistro FM 768 (07/03/21) By the Time It Gets Dark
Gistro FMPop kujna #103 – Kineski specijal vol.2
popkujnaPop kujna #103: Kineski specijal vol.2 (Šangajska verzija) – Kako izgleda i kakvog je ukusa riba veverica, šta se jede za doručak u Šangaju i kako se slavi Kineska nova godina
Night Waves Sessions #124: Gnawa Fusion [05-03-2021]
Night Waves SessionsNight Waves Sessions #124 | Gnawa Fusion
Nevergrin #70 Repotpisani sa Nebojšom Marićem [28-02-2021]
NevergrinPOP Depression #945 [01-03-2021]
POP DepresijaFeatured: Altın Gün, Freddie Gibbs, Warren Ellis, Menahan Street Band, Cassandra Jenkins, Olafur Arnalds, A Winged victory for the Sullen, Grant-Lee Phillips, Jane Birkin…
mixcloud artwork from Space Sweepers
Pop Depression 20Yrs Anniversary Show: Live Music
POP DepresijaSelection of songs from the gigs we had privilege to promote in Belgrade, from 2002. to 2019.
mix by inkal, additional jingles by Ceca, special thanks to Bauk
Magnolia Electric Co, Chris Cacavas, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Grant Hart, Greg Dulli, Wovenhand, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, Black Heart Procession ft.
Inferno – BorboletaLua and Guiu
Radio DiablaThis week we are present you great dance couple, BorboletaLua and Guiu.