Noćurak o ljubavi i donjem vešu, odranim kolenima, prosidbi kraj kafemata i kraju sveta : Love songs
prešlicavanjePrebiramo pesme o ljubavi … i njenim posledicama.
POP Depression #892 [10-02-2020]
POP DepresijaFeatured: Kiwi Jr, Keckec, Niko Nikolić, Moses Boyd, The Third Mind, Jason Isbell, Tara Clerkin trio, Jeff Parker, Ben Watt, Jon Hopkins, Nathaniel Rateliff, Dmitry Evgrafov…
Night Waves Sessions #90: Ballake Sissoko [09-02-2020]
Night Waves SessionsNight Waves Sessions #90 | Ballake Sissoko
/ 9. 2. 2020.
Gistro FM 722 (09/02/20) Memories Are Made of This
Gistro FM:: DIRTY PODCAST 106 :: Alexander Kirsch [RadioAparat]
DIRTY podcastEmisija broj 1007
Content: 1.
POP Depression #891 [03-02-2020]
POP DepresijaFeatured: Ben Watt, Kate Tempest, The Psychedelic Furs, Billy Strings, Bohren & der Club of Gore, Greg Dulli, Destroyer, Benjamin Schoos, Keeley Forsyth…
Dirižabl – 126. emisija /3.2.2020./
DirižablCover: A Hidden Life (2019)
Night Waves Sessions #89: Somehow Tribal [02-02-2020]
Night Waves SessionsNight Waves Sessions #89 | Somehow Tribal