U studiju City Smart radija ugostili smo Milana Petrovića, profesora srpskog jezika i književnosti u Gimnaziji ,,Svetozar Marković“u Nišu.
POP Depression #939 [18-01-2021]
POP DepresijaFeatured: Daniel Lanois, Iskra, Sleaford Mods, Hannah Peel, Niko Nikolić, The Red Step, Altın Gün, The Notwist, Ron Gallo, Hiss Golden Messenger, John Grant, Viagra Boys, Alex Maas…
more: https://www.popdepresija.com/?p=9723
more: https://www.popdepresija.com/?p=9723
mixcloud artwork from Lupin
The Sound
Mjehur na mrežiPhil Spector !!!
Inferno – Anais Millon
Radio DiablaDear friends, we are honored to present you one of the world famous kizomba dancer and founder of lady style kizomba Anais Millon
She is an artist and performer from Paris, she is a women’s right activist.
She is an artist and performer from Paris, she is a women’s right activist.
Gale Kerber: Pravi put do mentalnog zdravlja je rokenrol
CITY SMARTMuzičari iz celog sveta pogođeni su epidemijom.
Gistro FM 761 (17/01/21) No More Blues
Gistro FMDomaći Noćurak :: Mixtape za one koji nisu došli na zimski raspust (i nepažljive slušaoce sa lokala)
prešlicavanjeJoš jedan raspust, a vas nema.
Night Waves Sessions #117: tiny desk meets globalFEST [15-01-2021]
Night Waves SessionsNight Waves Sessions #117 | tiny desk meets globalFEST
/ radioAPARAT.com
/ 15. 1. 2021.
Hadži Ivan Redi: Epidemija nas je naterala da preispitamo sebe
CITY SMARTU godini za nama manjkalo je slobode, i to najviše one prostorne.