Događaj “Džudit Batler”

Zvuk Misli
Gošća emisije: Adriana Zaharijević
Voditelj emisije: Andrea Perunović
U prvoj epizodi Zvuka misli, razgovarali smo sa Adrianom Zaharijević o njenoj novoj knjizi koja nosi naslov Život tela.

Gošća emisije: Adriana Zaharijević

Voditelj emisije: Andrea Perunović

U prvoj epizodi Zvuka misli, razgovarali smo sa Adrianom Zaharijević o njenoj novoj knjizi koja nosi naslov Život tela. Politička filozofija Džudit Batler (Akademska knjiga 2020). Promatrajući meandre argumentacije koje tekst Adriane Zaharijević nudi, videli smo delo Džudit Batler iz ugla koji je nešto manje poznat široj publici – iz takoreći “čisto” filozofskog ugla, kao posve sigularan događaj na pozornici istorije filozofije i teorije. U ovom razgovoru možete čuti kako Adriana Zaharijević vidi neke od ključnih filozofskih pojmova kojima se Batler bavi u svojoj političkoj ontologiji, kao što su performativnost, moć delanja, življiv i neživljiv život, nasilje i nenasilje…”

Muzika: Eyot – „Veer“ (Innate, 2017)

Svetlost i Senka – Arhitektura Neopipljivog // CN Podcast 03

Carpe Noctem Podcast
Svetlost i senka su dve nematerijalne komponente koje prostoru ili objektu mogu da daju sasvim novi kvalitet i stvore potpuno novu atmosferu u zavisnosti od načina upotrebe.
Svetlost i senka su dve nematerijalne komponente koje prostoru ili objektu mogu da daju sasvim novi kvalitet i stvore potpuno novu atmosferu u zavisnosti od načina upotrebe. Od najranijih ljudskih prebivališta poput pećina, preko drevnih građevina poput Panteona, do današnjih staklenih nebodera ova dva elementa su ostala jedni od najvažnijih arhitektonskih sredstava. Kako se koriste danas i koje su loše, a koje su dobre strane svetlosti i senke u arhitekturi otkriva nam profesorka sa Departmana za arhitekturu i urbanizam Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu Milica Vračarić. Sa njom razgovara Bojan Đerčan. Dobrodošli na mračnu stranu!

Podržite nas!​

Podkast možete odgledati i na našem YouTube kanalu:

Ekipa koja je radila na osmišljavanju podkasta: Bojan Đerčan, Dajana Bjelajac, Marina Pavlović i Miloš Krstić

Montaža: Miloš Krstić

Na ustupljenom prostoru zahvaljujemo:
Casa Familia Pro salon nameštaja
Posetite ih na adresi Ise Bajića 8, Novi Sad, kao i na njihovom web sajtu

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Audio (intro/outro) preuzet sa:
Track Name: „Dreams“
Music by Dj Quads @​
• Original upload HERE –

Zvuk sijalice preuzet sa:

36: Beton

Links:RTS :: U narednih 100 godina proleće počinje 20. marta — „Oprostili smo se sa 21. martom 2011. godine, pre toga je bio duži period u kome su se 20. i 21. mart smenjivali, od 2011. pa u narednih bezmalo 100 godina 20. mart će biti za nas ovde dan kada počinje proleće“, rekao je Simonović. Аmbasada Republike Srbije u SAD — Adresa
2233 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 410William Wallace Lincoln – Wikipedia — William Wallace Lincoln (December 21, 1850 – February 20, 1862) was the third son of President Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln.


  • RTS :: U narednih 100 godina proleće počinje 20. marta — „Oprostili smo se sa 21. martom 2011. godine, pre toga je bio duži period u kome su se 20. i 21. mart smenjivali, od 2011. pa u narednih bezmalo 100 godina 20. mart će biti za nas ovde dan kada počinje proleće“, rekao je Simonović. 
  • Аmbasada Republike Srbije u SAD — Adresa
    2233 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 410
  • William Wallace Lincoln – Wikipedia — William Wallace Lincoln (December 21, 1850 – February 20, 1862) was the third son of President Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln. He was named after Mary’s brother-in-law Dr. William Wallace.
  • Oak Hill Cemetery (Washington, D.C.) – Wikipedia — Oak Hill Cemetery is a historic 22-acre (8.9 ha) cemetery located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., in the United States. It was founded in 1848 and completed in 1853, and is a prime example of a rural cemetery. Many famous politicians, business people, military people, diplomats, and philanthropists are buried at Oak Hill, and the cemetery has a number of Victorian-style memorials and monuments.
  • Dumbarton Oaks – Wikipedia — Dumbarton Oaks is a historic estate in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. It was the residence and garden of Robert Woods Bliss (1875–1962) and his wife Mildred Barnes Bliss (1879–1969).
  • The Asphalt Jungle (1950) – IMDb — A major heist goes off as planned, but then double crosses, bad luck and solid police work cause everything to unravel.
  • U.S. Route 29 in the District of Columbia – Wikipedia — The elevated section of U.S. Route 29 in D.C. is better known as the Whitehurst Freeway. Called the city’s most ridiculed bridge in 1989, there have been several attempts to have the Whitehurst Freeway torn down but cost and other considerations have stopped these proposals from being acted on.
  • The Power Broker – Wikipedia — The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York is a 1974 biography of Robert Moses by Robert Caro. The book focuses on the creation and use of power in local and state politics, as witnessed through Moses’ use of unelected positions to design and implement dozens of highways and bridges, sometimes at great cost to the communities he nominally served. It has been repeatedly named one of the best biographies of the 20th century, and has been highly influential on city planners and politicians throughout the United States. The book won a Pulitzer Prize in 1974.
  • Jones Beach State Park — World famous Jones Beach State Park, home of 6.5 miles of beautiful white-sand beach on the Atlantic Ocean, is made up of more than 2,400-acres of maritime environment on the south shore of Long Island.
  • Robert Moses and His Racist Parkway, Explained. – Bloomberg — The story: Robert Moses ordered engineers to build the Southern State Parkway’s bridges extra-low, to prevent poor people in buses from using the highway. The truth? It’s a little more complex.
  • Tammany Hall – Wikipedia — Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789, as the Tammany Society. It became the main local political machine of the Democratic Party, and played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics and helping immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise in American politics from the 1790s to the 1960s.
  • Intelsat headquarters – Wikipedia — 3400 International Drive (also known as Intelsat Headquarters) is an office complex in the North Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C. by the Van Ness metro station designed by the Australian architect John Andrews[5] and built by Gilbane Building Company. Formerly used as the U.S. headquarters of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat), it is known for its futuristic, high-tech architecture.
  • Yugoslavia’s “Space Age” Monuments Revisited – Balkanist — Photos of “Yugoslav space age monuments” have been all over the internet in recent years, entirely decontextualized from both their original and evolving meanings. Susanna Bitters takes a closer look.

Svetlost i tama u religijskom kontekstu // CN Podcast 02

Carpe Noctem Podcast
Nakon što smo saznali zašto se plašimo tame, smrdibuba i uholaži, ovaj put istražujemo svetlost i tamu u hrišćanstvu.
Nakon što smo saznali zašto se plašimo tame, smrdibuba i uholaži, ovaj put istražujemo svetlost i tamu u hrišćanstvu. Kako se doživljavaju i opisuju tama i svetlost u različitim religijama? Kakvi su filozofski pogledi na svetlost i tamu od antike, preko srednjeg veka, pa sve do danas? Naš sagovornik je Aleksandar Turukalo, profesor u gimnaziji „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj“ u Novom Sadu gde predaje filozofiju, a koji je jedno vreme predavao i veronauku u Medicinskoj školi „7. april“. Sa njim razgovara Dajana Bjelajac.

Podržite nas!​

Podkast možete odgledati i na našem YouTube kanalu:

Ekipa koja je radila na osmišljavanju podkasta:
Bojan Đerčan, Dajana Bjelajac, Marina Pavlović, i Miloš Krstić

Miloš Krstić

Posetite nas:
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Audio (intro/outro) preuzet sa:
Track Name: „Dreams“
Music by Dj Quads @​
• Original upload HERE –

Bioblast #001 Fizicka aktivnost kod dece u predskolskom uzrastu, gost dr Marina Djelic – pedijatar

Kroz prijatan razgovor sa Marinom Đelić, koja je po struci pedijatar i profesor fiziologije i sportske medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, saznali smo koliko je važna primena umerene fizička aktivnost kod dece od najranijeg uzrasta. Otkrili smo šta znači i kako da pravilno uvdemo sat vremena umerene kumulativne fizičke aktivnosti dnevno kod dece predškolskog uzrasta. Pričali smo i o kanadskom model za fizičku aktivnost u tom uzrastu i kako su se oni kao društvo pobrinuli da se on što lakše primeni u praksi. Na kraju dali smo predloge i ohrabrili roditelje i vaspitače da isprate i primene ove preporuke i na taj način budu sigurni da podižu srećniju i zdraviju decu.

Strah od tame // CN Podcast 01

Carpe Noctem Podcast
Šta je to strah, a šta fobija?
Šta je to strah, a šta fobija? Da li smo nasledili strah od tame od naših predaka i šta se dešava kada se uplašimo? Ovo su neka od pitanja o kojima je Dajana Bjelajac razgovarala sa profesorkom kliničke psihologije Snežanom Tovilović. Ako zaobilazite neosvetljene ulice, noću ostavljate upaljeno svetlo „za svaki slučaj“ ili ste možda fan Nightking-a i Darth Vader-a onda je ovo podkast koji definitivno želite da poslušate.

Podržite nas!​

Podkast možete odgledati i na našem YouTube kanalu:

Ekipa koja je radila na osmišljavanju podkasta:
Bojan Đerčan, Dajana Bjelajac, Marina Pavlović, Dajana Kovačević i Miloš Krstić

Miloš Krstić

Posetite nas:
Website |
Instagram |
Facebook |
YouTube |
Twitter |

Audio (intro/outro) preuzet sa:
Track Name: „Dreams“
Music by Dj Quads @​
• Original upload HERE –

Eureka 76 @RadioAparat – Otkrivanje nepoznatog Balkana

Sedamdeset šesta epizoda Eureke emitovana je 11. marta 2021. na Radio Aparatu.
Sedamdeset šesta epizoda Eureke emitovana je 11. marta 2021. na Radio Aparatu.

Lokaliteti na području Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine otkrivaju sve više detalja o prošlosti Evrope zahvaljujući istraživanjima u okviru projekta „Vizualizacija nepoznatog Balkana“. O bronzanom dobu i novim saznanjima, pre svega na području Bora i Zenice, razgovaramo sa dr Mariom Gavranovićem sa Arheološkog instituta Austrijske akademije nauka.

Priprema i vodi Jovana Nikolić.

35: Kovid

Links:Priključenija 1: Vanredno stanje — Nismo epidemiolozi, a ni virolozi, ali umemo da pričamo. Šta dva onkologa misle da znaju o koronavirusu?Bug-out bag – Wikipedia — A bug-out bag or BOB is a portable kit that normally contains the items one would require to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster, although some kits are designed to last longer periods.Incerto: Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas: 9780399590450: Books — Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s landmark Incerto series is an investigation of luck, uncertainty, probability, opacity, human error, risk, disorder, and decision-making in a world we don’t understand, in nonoverlapping and standalone books.


E 12 O kolaborativnom upravljanju prostornim razvojem, izdanju Vanzemaljski jezici i AI

Radio Elementi
U februarskom izdanju emisije Radio Elementi bavili smo se temom uključivanja građana u urbano planiranje, ali i veštačkoj inteligenciji i izdanju „Vanzemaljski jezici“
U februarskom izdanju emisije Radio Elementi bavili smo se temom uključivanja građana u urbano planiranje, ali i veštačkoj inteligenciji i izdanju „Vanzemaljski jezici“

34: Zavera

Links:Opinion | A Better Way to Think About Conspiracies – The New York Times — People will always be interested in conspiracy theories.


  • Opinion | A Better Way to Think About Conspiracies – The New York Times — People will always be interested in conspiracy theories. They need a tool kit for discriminating among different fringe ideas.
  • How Masks Went From Don’t-Wear to Must-Have During the Coronavirus Pandemic | WIRED — Public health messaging and science have to work hard to stay in sync during a crisis. During the Covid-19 pandemic, they haven’t always succeeded.
  • ʻOumuamua – Wikipedia — Oumuamua is the first known interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System.
  • Harvard Astrophysicist Avi Loeb on ‘Oumuamua and Aliens — In November 2017, an object passed by our planet that was unlike anything astronomers had ever seen. Spotted by a telescope in Hawaii, this strange thing was dubbed ‘Oumuamua. It moved too fast for it to have come from our solar system, its orbit was unusual, and it didn’t have any of the traditional markings of an asteroid or comet. All this led Dr. Avi Loeb to hypothesize that ‘Oumuamua was artificially made, perhaps a piece of technology or some debris from a faraway alien civilization.
  • UFO videos have been officially released by Pentagon – CNNPolitics — The Pentagon has officially released three short videos showing „unidentified aerial phenomena“ that had previously been released by a private company. The videos show what appear to be unidentified flying objects rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras. Two of the videos contain service members reacting in awe at how quickly the objects are moving. One voice speculates that it could be a drone.
  • Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia — The Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) is the ministry of propaganda. As with the other ministries in the novel, the name Ministry of Truth is a misnomer because in reality it serves the opposite: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. However, like the other ministries, the name is also apt because it decides what „truth“ is in Oceania.
  • WeChat – Wikipedia — WeChat (Chinese: 微信; pinyin: Wēixìn (About this soundlisten); lit. ‘micro-message’) is a Chinese multi-purpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent.
  • WHO inspectors ‘to scrap interim report’ on probe of COVID origin | Coronavirus pandemic News | Al Jazeera — In an open letter (PDF), a group of 26 scientists called on Thursday for a new international inquiry. They claim that “structural limitations” made it “all but impossible” for the WHO mission to adequately pursue its investigation. Among other issues, the scientists questioned the scientific independence of the “Chinese citizens” composing half of the team.
  • The Americans – Wikipedia — The Americans is an American period spy thriller television series created by Joe Weisberg for the FX television network. Set during the Cold War, it follows the story of Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys), two Soviet KGB intelligence officers posing as an American married couple living in Falls Church, a Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C., with their children, Paige (Holly Taylor) and Henry (Keidrich Sellati).