✓ Zašto je Betoven preživeo a Čajkovski otkazan?
✓ Kome MekDonalds šalje poruku?
✓ Kome se isplati da i dalje posluje sa Rusijom?Links:Orchestras Pull Tchaikovsky From Concerts Over Russia’s War on Ukraine — Several orchestras have recently announced changes to their concert programs, removing the legendary Romantic-era composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from their lineups amid the Russian war on Ukraine.Exodus: western companies abandon Russia — As the fighting continues in Ukraine, western firms are hastily rethinking their business in Russia.Cargill to ‘scale back’ in Russia but continue food operations — Cargill, the leading global agricultural trader, said it would stay in Russia and continue food operations, although it would scale back its business activities and it had stopped investments.
✓ Kome MekDonalds šalje poruku?
✓ Kome se isplati da i dalje posluje sa Rusijom?Links:Orchestras Pull Tchaikovsky From Concerts Over Russia’s War on Ukraine — Several orchestras have recently announced changes to their concert programs, removing the legendary Romantic-era composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from their lineups amid the Russian war on Ukraine.Exodus: western companies abandon Russia — As the fighting continues in Ukraine, western firms are hastily rethinking their business in Russia.Cargill to ‘scale back’ in Russia but continue food operations — Cargill, the leading global agricultural trader, said it would stay in Russia and continue food operations, although it would scale back its business activities and it had stopped investments.