Šta savremena filozofija kaže o tome kako stičemo znanja i koje nam osobine u tome pomažu?
Devedset treća epizoda Eureke emitovana je 07. aprila 2022. na Radio Aparatu.
91: Medicina
✓ Od čega boluju Novozelanđani?
✓ Kakve medicinske intervencije mogu pomoći najvećem broju ljudi?
✓ Kako se boriti protiv polifarmacije?
✓ Kakve medicinske intervencije mogu pomoći najvećem broju ljudi?
✓ Kako se boriti protiv polifarmacije?
91: Medicina
✓ Od čega boluju Novozelanđani?
✓ Kakve medicinske intervencije mogu pomoći najvećem broju ljudi?
✓ Kako se boriti protiv polifarmacije?
✓ Kakve medicinske intervencije mogu pomoći najvećem broju ljudi?
✓ Kako se boriti protiv polifarmacije?
90: Dokazi
✓ Kada je dokaz dezinformacija a dezinformacija dokaz?
✓ Šta fali medicinskoj statistici?
✓ Kako zbuniti lekara?Links:Inside the Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak Controversy | Vanity Fair — Chasing scientific renown, grant dollars, and approval from Dr.
✓ Šta fali medicinskoj statistici?
✓ Kako zbuniti lekara?Links:Inside the Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak Controversy | Vanity Fair — Chasing scientific renown, grant dollars, and approval from Dr.
Deconstructing pandemics
Zvuk MisliForgot about the pandemics?
89: Čudo
✓ Zašto za nauku nije dovoljan samo skepticizam?
✓ Šta su Otkrića Bez Granica za 2020-e?
✓ Ima li nade za YouTube?Links:Deep Curiosity Inspires The Joy of Why Podcast | Quanta Magazine — The noted mathematician and author Steven Strogatz explains how the conversations with experts in his new Quanta Magazine podcast address his lifelong fascination with timeless mysteries.Otkrica bez granica Aleksandar Fleming Otkrice penicilina – YouTube — Dokumentarna serija za decuThe sad devolution of Discovery Channel — Quartz — Forget the recent barrage of scientists saying that Shark Week programs are misleading, even deceitful.
✓ Šta su Otkrića Bez Granica za 2020-e?
✓ Ima li nade za YouTube?Links:Deep Curiosity Inspires The Joy of Why Podcast | Quanta Magazine — The noted mathematician and author Steven Strogatz explains how the conversations with experts in his new Quanta Magazine podcast address his lifelong fascination with timeless mysteries.Otkrica bez granica Aleksandar Fleming Otkrice penicilina – YouTube — Dokumentarna serija za decuThe sad devolution of Discovery Channel — Quartz — Forget the recent barrage of scientists saying that Shark Week programs are misleading, even deceitful.
E 22 O izložbi „Iza objektivnosti: vizuelne metafore u nauci“ i karijeri žene u psihologiji
Radio ElementiU martovskoj emisiji Radio Elementi na RadioAparatu gostovao je Ivan Umeljić, autor izložbe „Iza objektivnosti: vizuelne metafore u nauci“.
88: Plaza
✓ Gde se nalaze najružnije zgrade Vašingtona?
✓ Za šta bi sve Karl Sejgan mogao da bude otkazan?
✓ Kako je loše osnovno i srednje obrazovanje u Americi dovelo da sadašnjeg trenutka?Links:Pierre Charles L’Enfant – Wikipedia — Pierre „Peter“ Charles L’Enfant (French: [pjɛʁ ʃɑʁl lɑ̃fɑ̃]; August 2, 1754 – June 14, 1825) was a French-American military engineer who designed the basic plan for Washington, D.C. (capital city of the United States) known today as the L’Enfant Plan (1791)The 7 Ugliest Government Buildings In Washington, D.C. — Unfortunately for us, in the ’60s and ’70s, the federal government only hired architects with early onset glaucoma.L’Enfant Plaza – Wikipedia — L’Enfant Plaza is a complex of four commercial buildings grouped around a large plaza in the Southwest section of Washington, D.C., United States.
✓ Za šta bi sve Karl Sejgan mogao da bude otkazan?
✓ Kako je loše osnovno i srednje obrazovanje u Americi dovelo da sadašnjeg trenutka?Links:Pierre Charles L’Enfant – Wikipedia — Pierre „Peter“ Charles L’Enfant (French: [pjɛʁ ʃɑʁl lɑ̃fɑ̃]; August 2, 1754 – June 14, 1825) was a French-American military engineer who designed the basic plan for Washington, D.C. (capital city of the United States) known today as the L’Enfant Plan (1791)The 7 Ugliest Government Buildings In Washington, D.C. — Unfortunately for us, in the ’60s and ’70s, the federal government only hired architects with early onset glaucoma.L’Enfant Plaza – Wikipedia — L’Enfant Plaza is a complex of four commercial buildings grouped around a large plaza in the Southwest section of Washington, D.C., United States.
87: Pijaca
✓ Zašto je Šarlotsvil pun beskućnika?
✓ Čemu služi pešačka zona bez pešaka?
✓ Koga imitira beogradsko rukovodstvo?Links:Charlottesville, Virginia – Wikipedia — Charlottesville, colloquially known as C’ville, is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Monticello – Wikipedia — Monticello was the primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, who began designing Monticello after inheriting land from his father at age 26.
✓ Čemu služi pešačka zona bez pešaka?
✓ Koga imitira beogradsko rukovodstvo?Links:Charlottesville, Virginia – Wikipedia — Charlottesville, colloquially known as C’ville, is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Monticello – Wikipedia — Monticello was the primary plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, who began designing Monticello after inheriting land from his father at age 26.
Dinamike izdaje
Zvuk MisliKoja se sve značenja krije reč „izdaja“?