U susret Danu zaštite sredine, 5. junu, sa rediteljem Milošem Tomićem i klimatologom dr Vladimirom Đurđevićem pričamo o kratkim filmovima o klimatskim promenama; sa dr Markom Suvajdžićem sa Instituta za digitalne svetove Univerziteta u Floridi razgovaramo o blokčejnu.
97: Strahovi
✓ Da li je strah od administracije postao veći od straha od bolesti?
✓ Da li maske na četvrogodišnjacima možda nisu najbolja ideja?
✓ Da li ljubav prema profitu dovodi do masovnih pucnjava?
✓ Da li maske na četvrogodišnjacima možda nisu najbolja ideja?
✓ Da li ljubav prema profitu dovodi do masovnih pucnjava?
Eureka 96 @RadioAparat – Zašto su blizanci važni za nauku?
EurekaDevedeset šesta epizoda Eureke emitovana je 19. maja 2022. na Radio Aparatu.
Antropocen: sloboda i interdisciplinarnost
Zvuk MisliGošća: Elena Bougleux
Opis: Šta je to antropocen?
Opis: Šta je to antropocen?
Eureka 95 @RadioAparat – Između leka i otrova
EurekaDevedeset peta epizoda Eureke emitovana je na Radio Aparatu 5. maja 2022.
96: Derivati
✓ Šta se danas smatra akademskom medicinom?
✓ Da li je lekarima mesto u laboratoriji?
✓ Zašto američki univerziteti nisu u stanju da vode kliničke studije?Links:Anas Younes, M.D. on Twitter — Thrilled to announce that Dr Nina Shah (@ninashah33) will be joining our hematology R&D team as the Global Head of Multiple Myeloma Clinical Development and Strategy.
✓ Da li je lekarima mesto u laboratoriji?
✓ Zašto američki univerziteti nisu u stanju da vode kliničke studije?Links:Anas Younes, M.D. on Twitter — Thrilled to announce that Dr Nina Shah (@ninashah33) will be joining our hematology R&D team as the Global Head of Multiple Myeloma Clinical Development and Strategy.
E 23 Žene u nauci: dr Aleksandra Krstić, ETF; Nordeus fondacija i M3; izložba o biljkama
Radio ElementiGošća serijala „Žene u nauci“ je dr Aleksandra Krstić, sa ETF-a, četvrta žena koja je izabrana za prodekanku za nastavu ETF-a.
95: Sputnjik
✓ Kako dolazi do ubrzane kristalizacije javnog mnjenja?
✓ Zašto američka vojna industrija ne propušta priliku da poveća budžet?
✓ Da li je je predsednik Rusije veći egomanijak nego što je Pentagon podmukao?Links:Sputnik crisis – Wikipedia — The Sputnik crisis was a period of public fear and anxiety in Western nations about the perceived technological gap between the United States and Soviet Union caused by the Soviets’ launch of Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite.Military–industrial complex – Wikipedia — The expression military–industrial complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.Eisenhower’s farewell address – Wikipedia — Eisenhower’s farewell address (sometimes referred to as „Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation“) was the final public speech of Dwight D.
✓ Zašto američka vojna industrija ne propušta priliku da poveća budžet?
✓ Da li je je predsednik Rusije veći egomanijak nego što je Pentagon podmukao?Links:Sputnik crisis – Wikipedia — The Sputnik crisis was a period of public fear and anxiety in Western nations about the perceived technological gap between the United States and Soviet Union caused by the Soviets’ launch of Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite.Military–industrial complex – Wikipedia — The expression military–industrial complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.Eisenhower’s farewell address – Wikipedia — Eisenhower’s farewell address (sometimes referred to as „Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation“) was the final public speech of Dwight D.
94: Nauka
✓ Stagnira li naučni razvoj, i ko je za to odgovoran?
✓ Gde je nestao novi Aleksandar Fleming?
✓ Zašto se ljudi više ne razumeju u svoj posao?Links:Stream 4.54 – Eric Collisson Professor, GI Oncologist, Physician Scientist by Plenary Session | Listen online for free on SoundCloud — I talk to UCSF Professor Eric Collison about his lab, grant writing, the physician scientist life, cancer, and a doctors duty.Is Science Stagnant? – The Atlantic — Despite vast increases in the time and money spent on research, progress is barely keeping pace with the past.
✓ Gde je nestao novi Aleksandar Fleming?
✓ Zašto se ljudi više ne razumeju u svoj posao?Links:Stream 4.54 – Eric Collisson Professor, GI Oncologist, Physician Scientist by Plenary Session | Listen online for free on SoundCloud — I talk to UCSF Professor Eric Collison about his lab, grant writing, the physician scientist life, cancer, and a doctors duty.Is Science Stagnant? – The Atlantic — Despite vast increases in the time and money spent on research, progress is barely keeping pace with the past.
Eureka 94 @RadioAparat – Izazovi u istraživanju Vinče
EurekaDevedeset četvrta epizoda Eureke je emitovana 21. aprila 2022. na Radio Aparatu.