Regionalni konkurs fondacije Hartefakt, za neobjavljenu savremenu dramu, proslavlja jubilej, deset punih godina postojanja, tokom kojih je pristiglo oko hiljadu novih, nikada do tada objavljenih drama.
Regionalni konkurs fondacije Hartefakt, za neobjavljenu savremenu dramu, proslavlja jubilej, deset punih godina postojanja, tokom kojih je pristiglo oko hiljadu novih, nikada do tada objavljenih drama. Ovogodišnji žiri (Tena Štivičić, Haris Pašović i Biljana Srbljanović) doneo je jednoglasnu odluku da prvu nagradu dodeli Katarini Nikolić za komad Prozor, dok je specijalno pohvalio i dramu Mali ratovi i kabine Zare autorke Vide Davidović. U toku ove episode čućete kako su izgledali razvojni putevi ove dve mlade autorke, kao i šta su im želje i planovi u narednoj godini.
Program se realizuje uz podršku Balkan Trust for Democracy, projekta The German Marshall
Fund of the United States and USAID-a.
Moderatorka: Aleksandra Lozanović
Dizajnerka zvuka: Lidija Mirović
Forum Europe – Heartefact’s Regional Competition for the best dramatic text – conversation with the winners
The regional competition of the Heartefact Fund, for unpublished contemporary drama, is celebrating its jubilee, ten full years of existence, during which about a thousand new, never before published plays arrived. This year’s jury (Tena Štivičić, Haris Pašović and Biljana Srbljanović) made a unanimous decision to give the first prize to Katarina Nikolić for the play Window, while they especially praised the play Little Wars and Zara’s Cabins by Vida Davidović. During this episode, you will hear how the development paths of these two young authors looked like, as well as what are their desires and plans for the next year.
The program is implemented with the support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of The German Marshall Fund of the United States and USAID.
Moderator: Aleksandra Lozanovic
Sound designer: Lidija Mirovic
Program se realizuje uz podršku Balkan Trust for Democracy, projekta The German Marshall
Fund of the United States and USAID-a.
Moderatorka: Aleksandra Lozanović
Dizajnerka zvuka: Lidija Mirović
Forum Europe – Heartefact’s Regional Competition for the best dramatic text – conversation with the winners
The regional competition of the Heartefact Fund, for unpublished contemporary drama, is celebrating its jubilee, ten full years of existence, during which about a thousand new, never before published plays arrived. This year’s jury (Tena Štivičić, Haris Pašović and Biljana Srbljanović) made a unanimous decision to give the first prize to Katarina Nikolić for the play Window, while they especially praised the play Little Wars and Zara’s Cabins by Vida Davidović. During this episode, you will hear how the development paths of these two young authors looked like, as well as what are their desires and plans for the next year.
The program is implemented with the support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of The German Marshall Fund of the United States and USAID.
Moderator: Aleksandra Lozanovic
Sound designer: Lidija Mirovic