Čini se da su ekološka i problemi zagađenja životne sredine nešto što je sveprisutno u svakodnevnom životu svih građana regiona Zapadnog Balkana.
Čini se da su ekološka i problemi zagađenja životne sredine nešto što je sveprisutno u svakodnevnom životu svih građana regiona Zapadnog Balkana. Na regionalnom nivou istinskog udruživanja nema, ili možda ima, ali se o tome u javnosti ne zna? Ovom debatom pozivamo zainteresovane aktere da istraže kakav je značaj lokalne saradnje, kakvo je trenutno stanje u pogledu regionalnih ekoloških mreža, kao i kakve su buduće perspektive u ovoj oblasti.
Program se realizuje uz podršku Balkan Trust for Democracy, projekta The German Marshall
Fund of the United States and USAID-a.
Milja Vuković – Za manje smeća i više sreće – Zero & Low Waste Serbia
Jelena Ivanić – Centar za životnu sredinu Bosne i Hercegovine
Moderatorka: Aleksandra Lozanović
Dizajnerka zvuka: Lidija Mirović
Ecological and environmental pollution problems seem to be something that is ubiquitous in the daily lives of all citizens of the Western Balkans region. At the regional level, there are no true associations, or maybe they exist, but the public does not know about them? Through this debate, we invite interested actors to explore the importance of local cooperation, the current situation regarding regional ecological networks, as well as the future perspectives in this area.
The program is implemented with the support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of The German Marshall Fund of the United States and USAID.
Milja Vuković – For less garbage and more happiness – Zero & Low Waste Serbia
Jelena Ivanić – Center for Environment of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moderator: Aleksandra Lozanović
Sound designer: Lidija Mirović
Program se realizuje uz podršku Balkan Trust for Democracy, projekta The German Marshall
Fund of the United States and USAID-a.
Milja Vuković – Za manje smeća i više sreće – Zero & Low Waste Serbia
Jelena Ivanić – Centar za životnu sredinu Bosne i Hercegovine
Moderatorka: Aleksandra Lozanović
Dizajnerka zvuka: Lidija Mirović
Ecological and environmental pollution problems seem to be something that is ubiquitous in the daily lives of all citizens of the Western Balkans region. At the regional level, there are no true associations, or maybe they exist, but the public does not know about them? Through this debate, we invite interested actors to explore the importance of local cooperation, the current situation regarding regional ecological networks, as well as the future perspectives in this area.
The program is implemented with the support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of The German Marshall Fund of the United States and USAID.
Milja Vuković – For less garbage and more happiness – Zero & Low Waste Serbia
Jelena Ivanić – Center for Environment of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moderator: Aleksandra Lozanović
Sound designer: Lidija Mirović